In the past two weeks, I’ve been brought back repeatedly the power of the fact that the possibility of choice is present always, here and now, moment to moment: you do get to choose how you want to both be and what you want to do in the world.
We often truly labor away in life under the illusion that our choices are limited, evident in language such as: I can’t, it’s impossible, it must be this way, I only have this one crummy choice about situation X. We can forget that choice exists, and it’s a heavy burden to feel that stuck or overwhelmed.
I don’t mean to minimize the true and significant struggles and difficult circumstances that show up in life; but even there, we do have a choice about how we see a situation and respond to it. In reality, choice is always present, even if just in small ways.
While people often come to coaching yearning for some change in their lives, really stepping out of the comfort zone is difficult. Some would say it’s a radical act. In fact, while we often yearn for something different in our lives, it is remarkably easy to stay in the groove, on autopilot or firmly rooted in the status quo, even if the current situation is uncomfortable or goes against one’s deepest held values. Ironically, we often resist seeing our choices or options for change. Not than change for change’s sake is necessarily the best: even deciding to stay with the current situation is also a choice that can be made – just do choose to make it a conscious one!
This is more than simple glass half full/glass half empty stuff: being consciously aware of what you are choosing is critical in your quest towards living the life you dream about. It can open up entirely new vistas and options as you explore how you want to be seeing your circumstances.
As a place to start, try noticing and being aware of the choices you make and do not make, and the impact these choices have in your life. It can be an incredibly powerful first step to take toward making the changes you want to see in yourself and in the world.
As always, I’ll be interested in hearing about your experiences!
Your invitation to reflect on the power of choice was just what I needed to hear today. Lately I’ve been making the “choice” to live in overwhelm, and it seems like I’m always running both literally, when I fell “up” the steps today racing to get the phone; and figuratively, when I allow my thoughts to fragment. What I realize after reading your comments is that while I may not be able to choose to eliminate responsibilities at the moment, I DO have the power to CHOOSE my thoughts regarding my life at the moment. So I’m going to choose to think differently just for today, and make a choice to use the phrase, “there is plenty of time,” when I find my mind and body racing. Ahhh, the power of choice.
Hey Maripat,
Thanks for sharing this great example around choice!
I’d love to hear more about the impact of the perspective of “having plenty of time” goes for you! What’s different or possible in looking at things in that way?