Here’s a little brain snack for you… I don’t know about you, but I love learning new words. Here’s one that crossed my desk recently: Entelechy.
No, it’s not a new disease spread by lack of hand-washing. It’s not a sound of a sticky hand being removed from the surface of a table. It’s actually a great description of what most people I encounter are wanting to further explore and claim: their own internal motivation source for growth and development.
I’ve yet to put this word one in action in my day-to-day vocabulary without sounding like an airbag, but I love the definition:
Entelechy (from
- In the philosophy of Aristotle, the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized; actuality.
- In some philosophical systems, a vital force that directs an organism toward self-fulfillment.
Isn’t it cool that there is a word for this? It made me grin, even if I’ll probably never say it out loud to a real person: "Nice entelechy you got there, buddy!"
What’s a word that captures what you are all about?
If you could make up a word, what would it be?
Hi Hanna,
I really, really wouldn’t be able to think of one word that could capture me. And if I could it would probably be a different one every hour ;-))
But, if you like learning new words, here’s an great site for you:
It tests your knowledge of the English words, adapting to your own difficulty level. While having fun with it, and learning new words, you are donating rice to the UN’s World Food Program at the same time..
Hope you have fun with!
Cool link, Ellen! Thanks for sharing!
Hello everyone…looking forward to using this site!