A few weeks ago, I received this unsolicited email from a former coaching client:
I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for working with me and to reflect back on some things that I’ve learned through our work together.
I have attached a photo that I feel summarizes my experiences with getting out of my “rut”. It is of me jumping off of a cliff in Madeline Island this summer. Talking about myself and reflecting on my life was completely uncomfortable and somewhat terrifying—but I am so glad that I got out of my comfort zone and went for it. Just like jumping off a cliff.
So many positive things have come from our work together. I find myself doing more of the things I want to do and saying no to some of the things I never wanted to do but felt obligated to do. I truly found my voice. Thanks again for your help.
Hanna, what a beautiful acknowledgment of you and your work. What she writes is how coaching can be described to those not having experienced it, it’s about the client’s fulfilment, balance and process as I read it. Personally, it brings me back to Co-Active Coaching and Co-Active Leadership.
Thank you for the inquiries, they are great.