A client sent me this quote today from Katherine Mansfield, via Thinkexist.com:
Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those
voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face
the truth.
While I know what this quote does for me – it’s rich with interesting places for me to look and dive into! – I was even more engaged and curious about what this quote might mean for my client… and so share it with you in the same vein of curiosity. I’d love to hear from you on any of these topics!
What does this quote mean to you?
What’s worth risking?
What would it mean to not care about the opinions of others?
What’s the hardest thing on earth for you?
What would it mean for you to act for yourself?
What would it mean to you to face the truth?
What does risk do for you?
I’m certainly not one to be risk-averse. Chris and I decided to move from Texas to Maryland, where we knew nobody to start completely over – new state, new apartment (rented site-unseen), new friends, new jobs… A year later came
Hello Hanna! I have enjoyed exploring your site and want to read more. Your entry on Risk made me think of a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt “We must do the things we fear the most.” (not the exact quote) I remember reading this during a hard period in my life and it really gave me a push and a feeling that I wasn’t alone in facing difficult things and taking risks. It also scared me because I knew it was true and I didn’t know if I could actually do it.
You always ask the best questions! I’m really committed and compelled to answer those questions for myself, and to support my clients in finding their own answers, too. What I find is that it’s more familiar to stay where we are, especially in our “Minnesota Nice” culture, but it’s not comfortable anymore. I think (hope) our inner voices are starting to be stronger than the outer voices which means that more of us are starting to heed our inner knowing about risking what we’ve been blindly doing to maybe examine what it is we could be BEING.
Thank you for asking the real questions and for giving us a place to examine our own answers, outside of what the past might expect from us.