Mark your calendars: Saturday, October 28, 2006 is Make A Difference Day. Sponsored by USA Weekend Magazine, the 4th Saturday in October is set aside as a national day of volunteering, perhaps the largest day of its kind in the US.
To honor it, I’m setting time aside in my calendar for free 15 minute coaching sessions that week for anyone who is curious about coaching, wants to get forward movement on an issue they are stuck on, or wants to explore more about what they want out of life.
Contact me (hncooper at earthlink dot net) if you’d like to set up a phone
appointment. All you need do is call me at your appointment time with
a specific focus topic and we’ll coach for 15 minutes. No cost, no obligation. Just 15 minutes, all about you.
Why am I doing this? As a way to give back to the community, act on my values of service, giving and integrity, and share coaching out into the world. To me, "making a difference" includes both the big projects we each have as our life purposes, as well as the little things we do every day that act out our values.
What does "Make a Difference Day" inspire in you?
What’s important about "making a difference" to you?
What a great idea for making a difference with your coaching! You have inspired me to do the same (or similar) with my grief work.
Thanks for making a difference in my life!
Dee Bailey
Hi Hanna! Great topic. Can’t wait to browse through your site. You are creating value for a whole lot of people. Thank you!