“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
Packing up the summer clothes. A friend stroking her Mom's hand in hospice. Discarding long held fears and beliefs that no longer serve us.
It is a bittersweet thing to say goodbye to what we hold dear, whether they are seasons, people or ideas. Whether the changes are chosen or not, desired or not, new possibilities emerge when we can let go.
When people ask how I became a coach, I will tell them about a life tsunami of birth and death that woke me up to the preciousness of time. My surrender to uncontrollable events allowed me to eventually emerge into a new profession.
It's a pattern that must be repeated over and over again in order to grow – to release our clenched grip what we know to move into the open space of what is possible.
What needs to be let go of in your life?
What is waiting to emerge?
Hi Hanna! Interesting timing for this post! This morning I was doing an Akashic Record reading for myself and asked the question ‘how do I surrender my life to a higher power and not worry that I won’t get what I [think]I want?’ Quite honestly, I’m tired of living the life that I’m planning – really, I’m a bit exhausted! And, I am afraid that if I don’t create a vision for my life….it won’t happen. This feels like a conundrum to me!
In response to your questions, I think I’m letting go of planning so that my life can emerge!
Kris, cool stuff you’ve got going on!
It is somewhat ironic, isn’t it – to have a vision and be willing to let go of how exactly we get there. Holding on to what’s important, but letting go of the method of getting it.
I read this today on a friend’s Facebook page that goes along the same lines (there are no coincidences): ”Let go, do what’s in front of you. Then let go, then do what’s in front of you” (attributed to Chief Xcel – will have to look that one up!).
Letting go and doing what is in front of you….very interesting thought. Doing this can take your life in totally unexpected directions! And, I get the feeling it can all happen so fast. One day you think you’re going in one direction but when you do what is in front of you, you end up in a totally different direction. Fascinating!
Hi Hanna,
What I need to let go of is ATTACHMENT – attachment to results. When I am IN THE MOMENT and not holding tightly on to what I hope/expect, things manifest more quickly.
What is waiting to emerge? Faith and trust that I am doing all that I need to do to produce miraculous results in my professional and personal worlds.
Thanks for always keeping me on my toes with your questions, Hanna.