"People don't resist change. They resist being changed."— Peter Senge
Most teams and leaders I work with are dealing more uncertainty than ever before. Layoffs, shrinking budgets, fragmented communication and conflict feel more like the norm these days than the exception. Being able to navigate and work with the persistent waves of change is an essential skill of today's world.
One way to start is to understand the three typical styles of responding to change: leapers, bridge builders, and tradition holders. Systems need each of these styles to function during change. Leapers get things going; bridge builders improve and clear the way; and tradition holders make sure that important parts of the history of the organization are preserved.
Here are some ideas on how to work with each of these types in change:
- Leapers are enthusiastic about change and enjoy the challenge of new things. Leapers act as early adopters and change agents that usually help the whole organization adapt to the new way. They are excellent at starting change initiatives but can become disturbers if they become restless or bored, especially if adoption of the change takes too long. Encourage leapers to share their enthusiasm, and express their vision about what the new way offers the group or organization.
- Bridge builders tend to initially sit back a bit and observe the change process. They want to know the how, what, and why of the change before they agree to it. Once on board, however, they can act an opinion leaders and make it easier for others to follow. Because they want to investigate and understand the change, they also often add improvements to the change initiative or act as articulate spokespersons for it. Encourage bridge builders to research and provide data for new way, and share their information with others.
- Tradition holders are often suspicious of change. Often they have been around a long time and hold an attitude that "the more things change, the more they stay the same." They can be labeled as 'stick in the mud' or an 'obstacle', etc., but their gift is that they hold the culture and history of the organization. They champion the traditional ways of the organization, and generally have a lot of knowledge about who to talk to and how to get things done. Their job is to protect what is good about the old ways and to ensure that change isn't too hasty or not well thought out. Encourage tradition holders to act as watchdogs: request that they pay attention so that nothing important is lost in the change.
Note that one style is not better than another: finding the value of what each response has to offer the change is what is important. While most of us have a natural preference towards one style, we can also be leapers in one area of the change and tradition holders in another. Rather than fight the wave of change, we can learn how to work with it, and these typical responses.
In the comments below, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Tell me:
1) Which is your natural preference in approaching change: leaper, bridge builder, or tradition holder?
2) How can you use these concepts to help you in navigate change you're currently experiencing?
My natural preference is bridge builder. In the past month I have experienced a lot of change. I am finding that because one of my values is learning, I think of change as such and that makes it easier to adopt and adapt.
Linda, thanks for commenting, and providing another example of how bridge builder helps in change – they definitely are the ones that honor learning as a key value in change! I’d be curious: how do you find your style assisting you and other around you in change?
The bridge builder style assists me in that I am not resistant to change, yet want to fully understand the benefit of the change. Once I understand the change process and rationale, I can share this with others so that they may better understand it too.