And now, a word from our sponsor… time for some informal evaluation of Making A Difference!
What do you like about this blog?
What would you like to see more of?
What drives you crazy?
This is my 40th post, and the end of my third month of blogging, and I’m curious about what you, the reader, find valuable about this blog. What drew you here? If you come back frequently, why?
I wrote in my very first post what I wanted this blog to be about: a space for people are making a difference to dialog, share ideas and resources. What’s your interest in this blog?
While this is obviously my place to spout off on topics I’m interested in and hope others are too, I’m interested in feedback on what you get from this site.
Feel free to comment, or send me an email directly at hncooper at earthlink dot net.
Thanks in advance.
I love your name, Hanna. I am glad there is no “h” on the end of it. My wife and I considered naming our daughter Hanna, but opted for Julia instead. I’m glad we did. I do like the name Julia better than Hanna.
But Julia doesn’t blog. She is only 6 years old. She keeps a journal, but she doesn’t blog.
If she did blog, I would hope that she did so from her unique perspective, writing with integrity as you do. I admire both of these qualities in your blog.
You are doing a great job. Keep doing what you are doing.
Thanks, Troy – I appreciate the feedback!
Integrity is one of my highest held values – so I’m glad to hear that comes through.
Julia is a lovely name, yes, and not as overused as “Hannah” is these days. It certainly wasn’t a common name when I was a kid.
I’ve gotten a remarkable number of comments from people over the years on not being a palindrome – the “lack” of the extra “h”.
And, just for the record, in case you’d like to know, the pronunciation of my name rhymes with Donna or nirvana, just like the Hawaiian city of Hana – the long “ah” sound. All together now: “hah-nah”.
Thank you, and good evening.
Hanna – Whatever it is you decide to blog about, keep the authenticity and the honesty flowing. You have a great style, so keep that.
Regarding topics…anything about the inner thoughts that go on in a leader’s head would be very welcome.
I just started coming here after your phenomenal post on Talking Story, and I won’t be leaving anytime soon.
Thanks for sharing all that you do. Very wonderful stuff!