"Have you noticed, Mom," my 4-year old son said the other day, "that the days don’t stop?"
(Oblivious to time having stood still on this blog for the past two months…)
Who knew I had a philosopher in the backseat of my mini-van?
Yes, my love, the days don’t stop, no matter how much we may want them to – or even just slow down, last, linger.
Or actually, they will stop eventually for us all – but not usually when we want them to or expect them to.
Frankly, our opinion about whether we like the days we are having or not having doesn’t stop the flow. Days will keep coming, until they don’t.
Last month marked my entrance into my 40’s. With luck, I’m still slightly less than 1/2 way through my life, if one half of my genetic make-up wins out over the early deaths on the other side of my gene pool.
Watching my kids grow, noticing how more quickly the seasons seem to come and go, pondering what on earth it might mean (or not mean) to be 40, I’m completely aware of the time I have, and don’t have, to do whatever it is I’m here to do.
The days don’t stop – so what are you waiting for?
The Day’s don’t stop
Day’s don’t stop I’m completely aware of the time I have, and don’t have, to do whatever it is I’m here to do. The days don’t stop – so what are you waiting for? Excellent point. Much like we’ve talked…
Hanna, I just turned 40 in May myself.
The neighbor girl who was 12 when we moved in and used to feed out cat when we went on vacation is now 25.
My older daughter is halfway to 18 when she (sort of hopefully!) will move out to go to college.
I’m 3 years younger than my mom was when she and my father got divorced.
What I can do is really absorb each day as it comes and live it as fully as possible. There are days when I’m not sure how to do this, but all I can do is my best.
Pay attention, make course corrections, learn, and savor each and every day.