Depending on how you chose to celebrate it, yesterday January 24th was either: The Worst Day of the Year or Belly Laugh Day. (Thanks, Carol, for the reminder about BLD!)
Measured by a formula that includes variables such as weather, debt, monthly salary, time since the holidays, and motivation to change, yesterday was named as the worst day of the year. Whew, glad that’s over!
Or, you could have let out a hearty laugh in a celebration of "our playful, bouyant and joyful spirit" yesterday at 1:24 pm (your local time). I’m guessing it’s OK to celebrate Belly Laugh Day a day late (or tomorrow, or next week) – want to join me?
It’s a great reminder that we always get to choose how we want to see things: are you mired in what’s worst about your day, or can some of it be laughed off?
What perspective do you want to choose for today?
How does your perspective impact how you are able to make a difference?
I have two young kids and realize I’m always laughing or smiling, even on the hard days. And the most important thing for me to remember is that being responsible for yourself is the truest key to happiness. Thanks for reminding us.
What lovely words – I’m smiling as I read them, and think of my own two small ones.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts!