In my non-blogosphere life, my work been very busy of late. In addition to coaching individuals and generally keeping my business afloat, I’m collaborating with a colleague on a new project that I hope to announce here soon (stay tuned), I’m writing a few articles for public health publications on coaching, and preparing two talks on coaching for public health audiences this Fall. Oh, and did I mention that I have a husband and two small kids too? Whew! Hence the break last week from regular posting here.
Packing your life’s bags
As the closing weeks of summer and summer vacations are upon us: As part of the introduction to her recent collection of delightful essays, My Kind of Place: Travel Stories from a Woman Who’s Been Everywhere, Susan Orlean (author of The Orchid Thief, staff writer at The New Yorker) confesses that despite many years of […]
80/20 Rule
The doorbell rang at 10:00 am this morning. "Floral delivery!" said the cheery woman who greeted me at the door. "Oh, hunh, thanks!" I said, opening the tissue paper to find…. flowers from my husband! It’s not my birthday.It’s not our anniversary.No argument to mend. They were just a gift, a surprise, a delightful little […]