I use a service called Sitemeter (see the little colorful square down to the left) to help me track statistics on my blog. It’s a handy little service, and lets me know how many folks have visited, how long they stayed, and what the referring site was that brought them to my site.
Hands-down, the most common way new visitors find my site is from a search on the terms "making a difference" or "making a difference quotes". Depending on the day, I’d say up to 1/2 of my visitors come from the results of this type of search.
I think this is really interesting, and relates to some of my central beliefs about people: that we are all looking for how to make a difference, a desire to have some positive impact on the world; and that we all have the capacity to do so. How we each define "making a difference" will vary, but my sense is that in a world that can feel isolated, confusing and scattered, this drive to make positive impact is central and needs nourishing.
In writing here, I try to express some of my thoughts on what making a difference means to me, and hope to inspire others to clarify and take action on their own projects to impact positive change.
So, what does "making a difference" mean to you?
How do you act on it in your daily life?