For some of us, the coming of Fall represents a type of new year. The approaching changes – new school year rituals (even for those of us who haven't darkened those hallways in ages), the return of cool crisp evenings, the turning of a fresh calendar page – represents renewal, opportunity, a new beginning.
For me, Fall also represents a time of reassessment: with one final quarter of the year remaining, it's a time to reflect, reconnect and recommit.
Whether Fall represents newness or renewal for you, try this exercise from Joan Borysenko:
Draw a spiral on a piece of paper with NOW in the center. Get out your calendar for the year and arrange the events of the past year along the spiral from the outside (last August) to inside (now).
As you fill in your spiral, reflect about each event as a choice — how and why you made it, the results, and any insights.
What are you learning? Where do these experiences point you? What will you do next?
Whatever your answers, look for the wisdom and the honey you can harvest for your Fall and beyond.