“Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” – Einstein
“Ohmmm. Ohhmmm. I have now achieved balance.” Ahhh.
That’s what we seem to think balance is — sitting in the lotus position on the mountain top.
Or perfectly aligned scales, swaying gently in the breeze.
Bliss. Ease.
Who doesn’t want that?
But have you ever noticed that usually, as soon as you think you’ve “got” balance in your life, it’s gone, like a puff of smoke – poof!
Feeling out of balance doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you.
It’s just that balance isn’t a destination, or fixed point.
Balance is dynamic, temporary, and highly interactive.
It’s not just something to be achieved or accomplished as an end point.
If you’re seeking more balance in your life or work (and who isn’t?), try this out:
1) Stand up, and balance on one foot, without holding onto anything.
Hang out here for 30 seconds or so, just staying with the experience.
What is this experience like?
What do you notice in your body?
What helps you stay up?
You might notice wobbling in your leg or ankle; naturally using your hands or arms to help you balance; finding a fixed point to stare at to help you focus.
Whatever your experience is, notice it: this is your experience of balance, and there are probably some clues from this physical experience that relates what it helpful to you to regain balance in the rest of your body.
It might be relaxing, not tensing up; it might be feeling deeply rooted into the ground; it might be using muscles you’ve forgotten you’ve had; or focusing on a fixed point, like a goal.
Whatever your way is of balancing, notice it & use it. Your version of balance, like riding a bicycle, is something you can practice.
2) You can actually use this exercise as a way of measuring or assessing your own current state of balance. If you are feeling off balance, stand on one foot and see what is there.
If you find yourself wobbly, what needs to be strengthened?
What other resources can be called in or used to help you regain your footing?
Where can you focus?
In the Comments below, I’d love to hear from you and your experience with balance. Try this exercise, and tell me:
– What did you learn about balance from standing on one foot?
– How could you use this idea of balance in your own life as a leader?
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