Why, hello there, all of you!
Yes, despite all best efforts to issue this blog to dust, I'm baaaack!
And, I have all intentions of not forgetting about you, dear Internet, this year. In fact, you're back on my list!
As I wrote waaaay back in 2008 (ancient history, huh?), I spent a good bit of my energetic resources this past year attending the CTI Leadership program… an amazing, life-changing experience for me, that's really brought me to a new level in myself and my own leadership. More to come on that. Lots more, in fact.
So, when I say "you're on my list", Internet, what I mean is that this blog is one of my projects, one of the ways that I believe I can really fully live out my purpose as a leader (which, in its current iteration, is about being an unconventional ambassador for change).
Stepping up my writing on this blog – so that it's a better resource for my coaching clients, so that it's a more powerful way of connecting with non-profit and government leaders, so that it might even shift something out in the world – is one of my goals for 2009. I actually have a secret (oops, perhaps not so secret now) dream that these blog posts might someday find themselves edited into some type of book – what do you think?
What's on your list, Internet, for 2009? What is the world waiting for you to do, say, be, this year?