Renewing, verb:
- To become new again.
- To start over.
For many people, January is the month of renewal. To start over, to renew our commitment, to focus on possibility.
It's refreshing for many of us, to feel like we have a clean slate, that all possibilities are open to us. We feel open and revitalized to what we can create.
This is a feeling we all yearn for, regularly, regardless of the date on the calendar, this sense of hope and optimism about what is possible. To me, this sense represents part of the best of the human spirit.
Beyond our own personal journeys, I think our communities and organizations also yearn for a sense of renewal and possibility, particularly given the current economic situation and the challenges that exist both locally, nationally and globally.
And so, regardless of your politics, that's why I'm inspired by President-elect Obama's suggestion that Americans take the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday (Monday, January 19) as a day of service, as a way of both honoring the slain hero, and as a means of renewing our country through a new spirit of service.
It's a great opportunity to take this sense of renewal and possibility out beyond ourselves, and renew on a broader level. When we act on our most deeply held values, we bring ourselves and our world closer into alignment with our vision of what we want to create. How cool is that?
You can sign up to attend or host an event in your community here. I hope you'll join me in finding a way to act out your own personal way of making a difference, this Monday.
How are you renewing, daily?
What are you hungry to create?