For much of this year so far, I’ve been trying to really put it out there for you, my dear readers: will you take it on, whatever “it” is for you: the job change, the life dream, or just taking a stand? In fact, seriously: would you please take it on?
I’m asking as a coach, and a fellow-human being, because I want that for you: your dream, your bigger picture. In fact, what I want for you is your biggest picture! What if you really could have what you wanted in your life? What if it really were possible to achieve your dream?
As regular readers know, I’m currently working toward my goal of becoming certified as a professional co-active coach. Taking this next step towards coach certification is part of how I see my best ability to support others and impact the world.
So, I’m ready, and have I got an offer for you!
As part of my goal to log 100 hours of coaching by September 2006, I’m making space in my schedule for five new coaching clients. Are you one of them?
If you’re interested in making a change, making a difference, and stepping it up, please contact me via the links in the left sidebar for more information. I offer free ½ hour sample coaching sessions by phone for those curious to learn more, and have reasonable rates for on-going coaching clients. I look forward to hearing from you!
Hello Hanna,
I was reading your blog and wanted to thank you for sharing your ideas.
Your article reminded me of a conference I attended for “Women In
Technology” (WITI) in Los Angeles, CA last year. At that conference I had
the awesome opportunity to meet Marcia Wieder.
She and I spoke about overcoming fears to achieve our dreams.
Although my time with her was brief, I learned from “America’s Dream Coach”
about the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone so I could achieve
my dreams. At that time I really did not know who this precious woman was
but later learned she had been on Oprah and PBS-TV.
Marcia’s brief touch on my life made a great impact on me. Recently I
discovered her blog at and
a Maui Dream Retreat she is giving away!!! The Maui Dream
Retreat includes a week in Maui with Marcia, roundtrip airfare, and accomodations!!
I thought you might be interested in what she had to say as well.
May all of our dreams come true!!
Gina, Thanks for visiting and commenting, and the reminder about Marcia’s work. And hey, a week in Maui could never be wrong!
Thanks for the reminder to get beyond my own status quo. I’m so good at supporting my clients in that … sometimes I forget to walk my own talk!
Hope all is well … I’m still committed to meeting you someday in person!