Catching up on my blog reading, here are some of the highlights for you:
Carol Ross‘ blog, Ordinary Life, Extraordinary Living, points her readers to an interesting survey about people who make a difference, "with a small ‘d’". Sponsored by a non-profit network focused on promoting emotional intelligence in a variety of settings, this is the focus of the survey:
Every once in a while we meet someone who makes a
tremendous difference in our lives. These people are not necessarily
leading a noteworthy cause (a big “D” difference), rather they are
“ordinary” people who affect the people they touch – making a
difference with a small “d.” When we’re affected by these people, we
know they’ve made our lives, and the world, a better place…. We want to learn from these “difference makers” so we can make more of a
difference ourselves – and so we can teach others about what it takes.
I named this blog "Making a Difference" because the idea that everyone’s got something to contribute – big "D" difference or small "d" difference – is one of my core beliefs. How great that someone’s naming and studying the "ordinary" contributions of individuals. Check it out the survey here if you’re curious. They are looking for 1000 replies by November 15th.
My friend Kirsten Johnson, over at her blog Dream Big, had a great post last week on life purpose.
When I start working with a new coaching client, I ask them to fill out an intake form as one way for me to learn more about what they want out of coaching. The questions on the intake form are meant to be thought-provoking and call the client towards his or her greater goals in life.
One of the questions is "How would you describe your life purpose?" I’ve found that this question is one that often provokes a great deal in clients – whether or not they have a quick answer for it, how they interpret the question.
Kirsten’s post includes a list of 50 questions that address life purpose – so if life purpose is something you are currently chewing on, head on over and check it out.
And, finally, I’m enjoying reading Heather’s blog, life@work. For anyone looking for a great blog on work and the search for career happiness, please head on over.